A: Yes, you can easily convert Bootstrap to HTML easily. For that, you need to analyze the PSD file and then create the directories. After that, you have to convert PSD to CSS code and HTML to add Bootstrap components. That’s how it is easy to convert Bootstrap to HTML. It is eventually very necessary to make the HTML responsive.
A: You shouldn’t make the conversion always. It has some drawbacks, and there are particular situations when you should avoid it. Firstly, you shouldn’t try this when you are using a mockup service or a plugin. It’s because you may have to fic the code that’s not efficient and clean.
Eventually, the code often comes out to be so horrible when you will use a PSD to HTML generator. And for that, your site can ve fired as well. So, think twice if you actually need the conversation and try to hire a professional for the code generator task.
A: PSD to HTML conversion is indeed relatively harder nowadays than a few years ago. It’s because all the PSD files are now quite responsive while being compatible with cross-device and cross-browser. And slicing them and handling other tasks becomes tough than that of a few years back.